Sunday, June 28, 2020

Missionaries by Setting Forth Good Examples

I love the Come Follow me lessons this week - here are my two favorite, I'm going to try and write some notes, we'll see how far I get before the kids interrupt me:

From Book of Mormon Central

Itasca State Park - nondescript lake and a non descript stream are the headwaters for the 3rd largest river basin in the world - Mississippi. That little lake and little stream become a mighty grand river that have shaped economies and peoples lives in the midwest for hundreds of years.

Same for Alma and the sons of Mosiah. The power of Jesus Christ changed their lives and they became something mighty and unexpected from where they began. Our past does not predict the future. Staying on the gospel path does predict the future - we will return to God and will be able to live in his presence.

"Readiness-o-meter" - low to high
Lamoni from low, Ammon serves him, is a good example and builds a relationship of trust.

Alma 17:2 - They had search the scriptures diligently - huge effort into preparing their minds
Alma 17:3 - this is not all. Much prayer and fasting, therefore they taught with spirit of prophecy and revelation. They prepared their hearts.

It's not just what we know of the doctrine and trying to convince with the scriptures. AND it's not just feelings - we need to study and stretch our minds! They stretched their minds and their hearts, so that they had grit and perserverance in a very difficult place for Nephites to serve (esp Nephite princes! They gave up riches and a kingdom to be servants to Lamanites!) Their minds were firm, their hearts were soft, they knew how to take care of themselves temporally. We can be ready and prepared for whatever comes our way.

Did Lamoni ask Ammon to marry his daughter because he knew that he was the son of the Nephite king? I'm going to guess he was well dressed and ha high quality armor. Lamoni, even in a low interest state, could probably see there was something about Ammon.
"You teach who you are much more than you say or do." - President Boyd K Packer
He assigns him to go feed the flocks - he had just killed his past servants, I'll kill this Nephite soon too.

Ammon in the service of the king 3 days - potential voices of discouragement, cause Satan doesn't give anyone a free pass. Maybe he was tempted with "What am I doing here? I did all that preparation for this? Why did I leave my home and riches to do this - menial labor for a Lamanite king? What a waste of a life"

I don't know how or when, but I trust God. I felt inspired to do this. I'll continue with these menial tasks, I trust in God's timing.

Scattering the sheep - the Lamanitish servants give up right away, Alma 17:15 - they stop acting, they are idle, they are victims of the circumstances.
Ammon - No! Go gather them, I'll defend the sheep, places himself between the flock and the enemies, like Christ, the good shephard, puts himself between us and justice.
Ammon slays 6 with the sling, slays the leader with the sword and smites off arms that were raised against him. Think of the Lamanitish servants and their readiness to hearken to Ammon as they are watching this "Wow! He is incredible, so powerful, he cannot be slain!"

I am a man, I am your servant. I am not bigger or better than you. How can I serve, how can I help? That opens the doors to people's hearts.
(I actually think it's so lucky that he had so much success in his first week!)

I loved the teaching with Power video for this week too -
Alchemy - turning metal into gold. Doesn't work with metal but can happen with people.

We will continue to pray for our friends (I&D) they are in God's hands, we will set forth good examples and trust in the Lord's timing.

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