Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Nothing Will Bring More Joy

Corey's dad always shares great stuff with us. He sent the link to this article today - Angels that Bring Life-Changing Knowledge  and I loved it and shared it with Nicole. She and I had just been talking about our life's work and what is the greatest contribution we can make in this world, so this message given by a grandmother to her granddaughter Bonnie was perfect. I bolded the parts I loved the most:

Angel Grandmother Came from the Other Side to Deliver Message

Bonnie Heidenreich was an extremely talented young mother that became very frustrated with her life as she was compelled to wash dishes, wipe noses, shop, clean up spills and do laundry instead of the “substantive” projects she wanted to do.  A deep depression set in… With exasperation she vented,

“Is this what I was born to do?   Why did the Lord give me all this imagination if I can’t use it?  And why am I trying to help my children grow up to be creative individuals if when they are grown, they’ll spend all their time clearing the table, vacuuming and washing faces?  What a waste!  And this is life?  Yuck!”

It was with this aggravated attitude that Bonnie began to fold laundry.  She writes,

“It was about 10:30 one night and I was in the laundry room folding my next to the last batch of clothes. I was very unhappy.  I closed my eyes and offered a silent plea for help…

“Suddenly, I felt the presence of my Grandma Andersen, and I sensed she wanted to communicate with me.  “Well, go ahead,” I thought, still somewhat bitterly, “if you can say anything that might help, I sure need it!”

“The next few minutes are difficult to describe.  It was a type of PURE COMMUNICATION where thoughts and ideas are sent and understood instantly. First, she said,

‘Bonnie, I speak to you with empathy and with authority because I have already lived through this life.  I had ten children.’

“A brief view of her ten children and their beautiful lives flashed through my mind. Then she said,

‘Bonnie, there is nothing that will bring you more celestial joy than your children.  No creation, no book, no song, no job, no success can begin to touch the joy of children, properly raised.  The things which concern you are mortal and will come to an end.  Your children are eternal.’

“Secondly, she said,

‘To the Lord, the most important work in this life is bringing His children to a knowledge of Him so that they might live with Him again. You can be a part of that great and glorious work, Bonnie, and you must start with your children!’

“Again a picture of Grandma’s children flashed through my mind, with their children and grandchildren.  They blessed many who in turn blessed others, who then went on to bless and serve more and MORE people…multiplying! Growing! Expanding! Exploding!…until there were millions of God’s children all over the world who could link their love of God and their desire to be faithful followers of Christ back to my one grandma; one mother in one little home… 

“But most importantly, she told me that if I lived the valiant life and achieved the crown, an eternity would await me with opportunities for “creating” which I could not begin to imagine yet!

“She was gone, and I stood there alone, getting my clean laundry all wet with my tears.  I don’t think the whole experience lasted more than a minute, but that’s all it took to turn me around and head me in the right direction.  I thanked the Lord for answering my prayer.” [v]

What powerful, magnificent knowledge was given to Bonnie! It was brought by a beloved grandmother angel to purposefully change the course of her life.


I learned several years ago that my mission is motherhood. I like being a mother, and I know that nothing else I ever do will be more important to me or to Corey than raising our children. I am so grateful to have been given 13 beautiful children. My cup with blessings overflows.

They and Corey are the greatest blessings God has given me. They give me the greatest joy! (especially my baby Katharine!!!)

I love teaching our children of Jesus Christ and seeing them learn to love and trust in Him!

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