Sunday, August 14, 2022

Big Picture

I've been thinking about a trial in our life right now. I guess it's more of a stretching opportunity that is coming from life's circumstances. I picked up an old Ensign magazine tonight and opened to a talk by President Uchtdorf that hit home with some counsel and guidance that I needed. It was titled "Your Adventure through Mortality" (from a worldwide devotional in Jan 2018 "The Adventure of Mortality")

Here are parts that I underlined or liked - when we are searching for answers and all we seem to get is a frustrating, spinning "wait cursor" - haha, yep that's what's going on for us! "When it comes to eternal questions, matters of the soul, we must be more patient." 

"Father in Heaven knows you, hears you, and will never abandon you. As you incline your hearts to Him and strive to follow His way, He will intervene in your life and direct your path as you journey through this great and exciting adventure of mortality."

He compared it to a neoimpressionist painting. "Close up, the dots appear unconnected and random. But when you take in the entire painting, you can see... what once seemed arbitrary and even confusing begins to make sense."

"As we strive to trust God and follow His Son, Jesus Christ, one day we will see the finished product, and we will know that the very hand of God was directing and guiding our steps."

Corey's been working on a project for several months without pay, just hoping that he can figure it out and get it to work, and then if he does think they can get it to work, then they'll talk equity and business. He's been very anxious about it, understandably. I haven't been freaking out about bills and money like I used to, but the concern is still there for both of us. But we are striving to trust that God is guiding Corey's path and will bless his efforts. President Uchtdorf was told by flight instructors that his time spent at church could be putting him at a disadvantage in the competitive program. Elder Uchtdorf says "I trusted God and did the best I could." We will strive to do that too.

"If you commit to doing the 'easy' things, the 'small' things God asks you to do - and you do them as perfectly as you can, big things will follow." 

What are the small and easy things? 
  1. Study the scriptures
  2. live the word of wisdom
  3. attend church
  4. pray with real intent
  5. pay tithes and offerings
Corey and I are doing pretty good at those things, but we'll work at being better in each and trust that with those efforts, God will take care of the big picture. "I did trust God. I listened to the advice of loving family adn wise friends, and i took small steps of faith, believing that if I did the best I could in the moment, God would take care of the big picture." and... what happened? "He did!"

"In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
"So you have to ask yourself, 'Can I muster enough faith to believe God? Am I willing to trust that He loves me and want to guide my path?'" 

"What you are experiencing in life is not all that uncommon. 
"Remember that you do not [have to] answer to others. You answer to God. One day you will stand before Him to account for your life.
"You will know with certainty how blessed you are because you kept the faith, kept  God's commandments, served your fellowmen, and built God's kingdom here on earth. 
"Your work is to make the  best decisions you can based on the information available to you, grounded in the values and principles of the gospel. Then strive with all your might to succeed in the things you undertake--and be faithful. Do that, and all the dots will connect.

"You have commandments, you have covenants, you have inspired prophetic counsel, and you have the gift of the Holy Ghost. That is more than enough to lead you to mortal happiness and eternal joy. Beyond that, don’t despair if you make some decisions that are less than perfect. That is how you learn. That’s part of the adventure!

May I ask you to remember five things?

First, know that God’s answers to your most profound questions may take a little time and may come in ways you don’t expect. God’s answers are of eternal value. They are worth the wait.

Second, have a little faith. Incline your hearts to God. Believe that you are important to God, and trust that He will make more of you than you can possibly make of yourself. Learn of Him. Love Him. Believe Him. Speak with Him regularly, intensely. Listen for His voice.

Third, walk as best as you can on the path of discipleship. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just do the small things as perfectly as you can, and the big things will fall into place.

Fourth, don’t let discouraging voices dissuade you from your journey of faith. Remember, you don’t answer to your critics. You answer to your Father in Heaven. His values count.

Fifth, make the best decisions you can by following the promptings that come to your heart and mind. Give your best efforts to follow through. Have faith, and God will consecrate your honest efforts for your eternal good.

Do this and, in the end, all will be well.

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