Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Christ's Condescension

I'm really loving this week's scripture study. Especially pondering more on the Savior's condescension in 1 Nephi 11. A few things from Bro Wilcox's lesson -

1 Nephi 11:16, John 3:16 - God Loved us, so he sent his Son -
Webster dictionary definition: Condescension: A voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relation with an inferior Scenes of Jesus' condescension - how does each scene represent Christ's condescension?

1 Nephi 11:12-20 - BIRTH - Christ is king, but was born as a carpenter, not in a palace but a stable. Not a large capital, but in Bethlehem, not rich but poor, born under most humble circumstances.

1 Nephi 11:27 - BAPTISM - Jesus was perfect and didn't need his sins washed away, yet he was baptized. This was a big take away that Nephi got from this vision, cause he teaches it very powerfully later in 2 Nephi 31. It teaches us not only of Christ's condescension, but also of the narrowness of the path! 2 Ne 31:9 "And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them."

1 Nephi 11:28 - TEACHING THE PEOPLE - he lived his life as a teacher, a very meager existence, and spent much of his time teaching the poor, sinners, outcasts, lepers, sinner. For one of such a high station and power, he spent most of his time in less than glorious circumstances and company

1 Nephi 11:29 - CALLING THE TWELVE - Jesus could have done it alone, he could have single handedly led the church and accomplished his ministry, and he could have called all the attention to himself, but he didn't. The involved other people. He taught them, prepared them, and gave them chances to lead and grow. And his leaders were those not high in position or social status.

1 Nephi 11:31 - HEALING OTHERS - he showed his authority by serving, helping, and healing others. Most people judge greatness by how many people serve YOU, but Jesus taught it's the opposite - by how many people YOU SERVE. It's not about authority, but service.

1 Nephi 11:32-33 - ATONEMENT AND CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST - He suffered the most - all pain, all suffering, all sicknesses, everything he knows and felt. He came from above all thing to descend below all things, without murmuring. He had power to stop it, to call down legions of angels, but he didn't. He suffered it and allowed it. D&C 88:6

WHY would he condescend? What power could motivate someone, a God with such great power, to experience such pain? LOVE. He loves us. He loves me, He love you. He paid the price and paved the way. We - YOU - are that valuable to Him. A truth we can't forget: 1 Nephi 11:17 I know that he loveth his children. Do not doubt God's love - We will be tempted to. From last week's lesson, we learn that God's love and the tree, are one of the things that mists of darkness hide. I will pray and read the scriptures to help me to no doubt and to not forget God's love for me. I will remember his great love and his condescension. He did it cause he loves me, and he loves my children. He loves my brothers and sisters. He loves his brothers and sisters. He loves all of God's children.

His love is always there. The TREE is always there. HE is always there. Hold to the IRON ROD until you are through the temptations and mists of this life and are at that tree, partaking of his love. And then STAY at the TREE. Never leave his love or try to find something better somewhere else. There isn't anything better. If we leave, we will have chosen the lesser - His Love is the sweetest and purest and most delicious above all other things.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The BEST Thing There Is

Here are some of things that I studied this past week as part of the Come Follow Me lesson. I just LOVED all of it, I love the Book of Mormon and I can already feel a greater happiness in my life as I've really dug deep and flooded my days searching and pondering these scriptures.

I also listened to this lesson video below, and as Brother Wilcox shares in it, 1 Nephi 8 is just so amazing - that one chapter by itself is proof to me that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. There is no way that Joseph Smith could have made this up. 1 Nephi Chapter 8 is so rich and deep in it's smybolic teaching of our journey through life. We shared it with the kids on Monday night, and it was so great because they were all listening and paying such good attention as we talked about the Fruit of the tree.

What are some words that describe the fruit of the tree?
   1 Nephi 8:11 - Sweet
   1 Nephi 8:11 - White
   1 Nephi 8:12/11:23 - Joyous
   1 Nephi 8:12 - Desirable
   1 Nephi 11:8 - Beautiful
   1 Nephi 11:9 - Precious
   1 Nephi 15:36 - Great
   Alma 32:42 - Pure

With each of those descriptions, it is emphasized that it is Above all other things in that quality - notice:

   it's not just sweet, but "most sweet, above all that I ever before tasted"
   Not just white, but white "to exceed all the whiteness that I had ever seen"
   Not just joyous but 11:23 "the most joyous to the soul"
   Not just desirable, but "desirable above all other fruit" 11:22 "it is the most desirable above all things"
   Not only beautiful, but "beauty far beyond, yea, exceeding of all beauty"
   Not just precious, but "precious above all"
   And not just great, but "it is the greatest of all the gifts of God"
   It is "pure above all that is pure"

What is it that the Lord wants us to understand, REALLY UNDERSTAND, about His fruit? Quoting from Bro. Wilcox in the lesson:

"There is NOTHING better than gods fruit. There's nothing out there that compares to the sweetness and beauty and purity of that fruit! There isn't anything anywhere in this UNIVERSE that you can desire and seek for that is going to satisfy and fill you like this! It's not good, it's not better, IT'S THE BEST! That is a truth that we absolutely must come to believe and know. And why is it so far for us to know that? Well, what would you do if you believe that there is something sweeter or more beautiful or more desirable there? You'll leave the tree and look elsewhere for it! You may think there's something sweeter in the great and spacious building or in the strange roads or the forbidden paths. but what happens to those people who try to find joy and sweetness in other places in the dream? They're lost! They're drowned in the river. They're crushed in the fall of the building. If you were to leave the fruit of the tree for the love of the world, you will have chosen the lesser."

Then this quote from C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity:
"What Satan put into the hearts of our remote ancestors was the idea that they could invent some sort of happiness for themselves outside of God, apart from God. And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history: money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery... the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy."

I really liked these two stories of people who came back to the church as they felt after something that was greater and better

Tom Christofferson "there was GREATER Meaning to be had, a deeper purpose...."
Courtney and Rochelle "If it was true, we knew what that meant for our relationship. But, it's true.... and we got the answer that Jesus Christ loves us, the Book of Mormon is true, and that's the it. That's the only truth we need to know." At 13:28 "The truth is that truly matters is your relationship with your Heavenly Father, and truly taking advantage of the atonement of Jesus Christ. 13:55 "We have the faith that our Heavenly Father's plan for us is better than our own. We know, that our Heavenly Father's plan is better!" He will not let you be empty inside.

Also, as I read the chapters this week, I thought of something about the river that I hadn't though before... Like, why is the rod even by that bad river? Can't the path to the tree go through the field instead? Why is it by the river? The river is filthy and represents filthiness and the consequences of sin. I thought maybe it's because people on the path need to see and learn about consequences of sin. We need to see and learn about the opposition and the consequences of bad choices. But we can learn about it without having to suffer it ourselves, we can learn as we see others and the choices that they make. Seeing the filthy river is one of the reasons we are here on earth, to have experiences and learn about opposition!

The 4 Purposes of the Rod
   1 Nephi 8:19 - Protection from the River
   1 Nephi 8:19 - Leads to the Tree
   1 Nephi 8:20 - Keeps us on the Straight and narrow Path
   1 Nephi 8:23 - Gets us through the mists of darkness

The Iron Rod, aka the WORD OF GOD, is solid, firm, reliable, doesn't bend or break. That is the scriptures and the words of the prophets.

The 4 Cs of holding to the rod:
   1 Nephi 8:22 - Commence
   1 Nephi 8:24 - Catch hold
   1 Nephi 8:24 - Cling
   1 Nephi 8:30 - Continually Hold Fast
        and... one extra one
   1 Nephi 8:33 - Heed not those in the Great and Spacious Building
The Lord is offering his fruit to us. He is calling for us to come and partake of the fruit of his love. There is nothing better.

The 4 Things that the Mists Hide
   The tree - Satan doesn't want us to see God's love
   The path and the rod - Satan doesn't want us to see the truth and the difference between right and wrong, moral relativity. Satan blinds us to the clear truths taught by God and his prophets
   The river - at all costs, Satan does not want us to see the consequences of our poor choices. He wants us to see the fun of the building, but not it's crushing collapse.
   The fact that the building has no foundation

I believe that The Book of Mormon is the word of God, and it really is the KEYSTONE of the Church of Jesus Christ. It can be the keystone of each person's individual faith. One thought that was shared at church (by Bliss) was that staying on the strait path is an individual choice and commitment. Maybe there isn't room on there to walk side by side, each person has to walk on it themselves and continually hold fast to the rod by themselves. It is an individual decision and commitment.

The only reason I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is because I truly believe it is the Church of Jesus Christ, and a HUGE part of my testimony is the reality of the Book of Mormon. I believe it is true with all my heart. I know that I am happier when I read it. I know that when I read it, my understanding of life becomes so clear. I love the Book of Mormon. It is a keystone of my faith. 1 Nephi chapter 8 ALONE proves that to me - this chapter is so rich in symbolism and imagery, I know that Joseph Smith could not have written it on his own. It was not written by him, it was a vision given by God to Lehi, recorded by Nephi, for us to read and learn from.

Elder Christofferson gave a devotional address last Sunday Jan 12, and I loved all of it - but I'll skip to the part starting at 38:27 because it goes along perfectly with this lesson God gives about the fruit of the tree.

"That earnest young adult that asked the Savior 'What lack I yet?' is dead, and whatever riches he had probably don't exist anymore, and in any case, he does not have them, nor does he have any use for them."

“As much a sacrifice as it may have seemed to him at the time, did he have a better option than accepting the Master’s invitation? Could anything he had or might have acquired with his riches compare with what the Lord was ultimately offering him?"

Christ is the source of Joy, and he invites us to partake of his love and joy - he offers it to us. The word of God found in the scriptures and the teachings of living prophets will lead us to his Love, and will help us understand and feel our Savior's love. I have felt his love today, there is nothing better, I never want to leave I want to be true and faithful to the end. A talk shared today in sacrament meeting: Stay by the tree. Read the scriptures, everyday everyday everyday!

I love President Grant's Prayer ~
“O God, bless me that I shall not lose my testimony and keep faithful to the end!”

Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here's my hear, O take a seal it, seal it for thy courts above.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Twenty Members in Leningrad

The following excerpt is my favorite part (on pages 174 - 182) from the book Insights From A Prophet's Life: Russell M. Nelson by Sheri Dew. To read other parts that I liked, see my post from January 1st.

On Sunday, November 10th, 1985, President Ezra Taft Benson was ordained and set apart as a 13th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. Four days later, he and his counselors, President Gordon B. Hinckley and President Thomas S. Monson, came to the meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve in the Salt Lake Temple with new assignments for each apostle in hand.
  Beginning at the senior end of the circle and working around to the most recently called, they handed out new areas of responsibility and supervision. "By the time president Benson got to me," Elder Nelson recalled, "he said something that startled me: 'You are to be responsible for all of the affairs of the church in Europe and Africa, with a special assignment to open up the nations of Eastern Europe that are now under the yoke of Communism for the preaching of the Gospel.'"
  Elder Nelson's initial reaction may have been similar to Moses's when he was asked to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. 'Who me?" Just 19 months in the quorum, his immediate thought was "Are you sure Dallin and shouldn't do that? He's an attorney. I'm a heart surgeon. What do I know about opening countries?" "Thankfully," said Elder Nelson, "I may have thought it, but I didn't say it."
   The assignment was Herculean in proportion. Europe was important to the Church. It was the homeland from any other conference good immigrated to the United States and infuse tremendous strength and stability into the church during its fledgling, formative years.
   But in 1985, more of Europe lay behind the iron curtain then not: Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia, Yugoslavia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, the German Democratic republic, and all of the USSR. President Benson's assignment to Elder Nelson came roughly 19 months before President Ronald Reagan would famously declare, on June 27, 1987 "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," and four years before the Berlin Wall would fall on November 9th 1989. There were more countries in Europe that had not recognized the church then had. Further, this was during the politically frigid time referred to as the Cold war. "If ever a task seemed impossible to me," Elder Nelson admitted years later, "that was it."
   "I had spent much of my professional life opening hearts to perform life saving operations," he reflected, "but I had no experience that would lead me to believe I could open countries for the preaching of the gospel.". And yet, a prophet had given him an assignment, and so he set out to do what seemed at the outset "utterly impossible."
   It was difficult to know where to even begin. It took Elder Nelson several months to make initial contacts, lay groundwork, and map out an approach. Over the next several years, he would make dozens of trips to Eastern Europe and to the former Soviet Union, as well as an endless parade of trips to Washington, DC, to meet with ambassadors, diplomats, and anyone who could help open doors throughout Europe.
   One country with which he already had both an affinity and firsthand experience was Russia. He had studied the language and been there to lecture professionally several times, and he already loved the Russian people. With Elder Hans. B Ringer of the Seventy, a Swiss General Authority then serving in the Europe Area Presidency, Elder Nelson traveled to Moscow on a fact-finding, bridge-building mission in the summer of 1987.
   Elders Nelson and Ringger were, on the one hand, an unlikely pair--an American heart surgeon and a Swiss engineer and architect. On the other hand, they were quite different from leaders of other faith groups, and they often disarmed dignitaries with whom they met. They came asking only that the Church be recognized and allowed to function in those countries. "Other churches often asked fro money from various governments," Elder Nelson explained. "We didn't ask for anything except permission. We always go through the front door and abide by the laws."
   In Moscow in 1987, Elders Nelson and Ringger sought an audience iwth Konstantin Kharchev, the chief of the Council of Religious Affairs. He refused to see them, but he represented the first hoop through which they had to jump. So they stayed in the waiting room of his office all day until it was time for him to go home. When at day's end they were still there, an impatient Kharchev demanded to know what they wanted. Elder Nelson responded, "We just want to ask you a question. What would we need to do to get the Church we represent established in Russia?"
   This was Communist Russia, and the Soviet Union was still intact. Kharchev couldn't have been less interested in the question of these two church men, one of them an American, which whom he hadn't wanted to talk anyway. He did respond, however, that for a church to be legally registered it had to have twenty adult Russian citizens who were willing to sign a paper indicating they were members of that church, and they all had to be from the same political district. At the time, there were eleven political districts in Moscow alone.
   Elders Nelson and Ringger asked if they could establish a reading room or visitors' center where citizens could come of their own volition and learn about the Church.
   "No," Kharchev barked.
   "You have given us a chicken and egg problem," Elder Nelson responded. "You say we can't receive recognition until we have members, but we can't get members if we can't have a reading room or visitors' center."
   "That, sir, is your problem," answered Kharchev. "Good day."
   The next day, Elder Nelson and Elder Ringger sat on a park bench near the Kremlin and reviewed their dilemma. They pondered, prayed, brainstormed possible solutions, and pondered some more. Could young adults from the nearby Nordic countries immigrate and help with the situation? Were there ways Scandinavian members could help? Were there other ways to introduce the gospel without using missionaries, reading rooms, or visitors' centers? "We finally decided we couldn't meet their requirements," Elder Nelson remembered, "and that was when the Lord stepped in."
   Roughly a year later, on July 24, 1988, a Moscow resident name Igor Mikhailusenko was baptized while visiting the United States. This was followed by a Russian family from Leningrad, Yuri and Liudmila Terebenin and their daughter Anna, being baptized in Budapest. Then another Moscow resident, Olga Smolianova, was baptized while visiting in Italy. A Russian man living in Vyborg, near the Finnish border, then became acquainted with a Finnish Latter-day Saint family, and he was baptized.
   A few missionaries in the Finland Helsinki Mission began learning Russian and received permission to teach Russian tourists visiting Finland. Svetlana Artemova's experience demonstrated how actively the Lord helped reach Russian citizens with His word.
   For some time, Svetlana had yearned to acquire a Bible in Russia, but ever since the Communist revolution in 1917, Bibles had been difficult for Russian citizens to come by. After pleading with her husband over an extended period of time, she made a trip to Helsinki in the fall of 1989 for the express purpose of obtaining a Bible in the Russian language.
   During her stay, she visited a Helsinki park, and Svetlana stumbled on an object covered by a pile of leaves. Almost unbelievably, it was a Bible, and even more miraculous, it was a Bible in Russian! She was ecstatic and so thrilled that she couldn't help bu share her delight with the first woman who walked by. That woman, Raija Kemppainen, just happened to be the wife of District President Jussi Kemppainen. Raija was fluent in Russian and English, as well as her native Finnish, and she asked Svetlana if she would like to have another book that would teach her even more about Jesus Christ. Svetlana was delighted at the prospect, and Raija, who with her husband Jussi had been praying to find ways to help take the gospel to Russia, quickly obtained a copy of the book of Mormon in Russian for her new friend. Svetlana was soon baptized i Helsinki.
   At this point in time, missionaries could enter Russia but could not stay permanently nor could
they preach or baptize. But they could teach when invited to do so. Svetlana wanted missionaries to teach friends of hers in Leningrad and arranged for the elders to meet with one of them. When missionaries knocked on the woman's door, she was not home; but a neighbor, Sasha Teraskin, heard the knocking, opened his door, and invited the missionaries in. When they identified themselves as missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sasha was moved to tears. Since meeting Church members in Warsaw, Poland, while on a recent trip there, he had been praying to know how to learn more about the Church. The missionaries taught him, and he was baptized.
   And so it went. "Before too long," said Elder Nelson, "we had twenty members in Leningrad, and that is where it all started." He filled out the appropriate papers and took them to the office of religious affairs in Leningrad, seeking recognition for the Church. Three months later, nothing had happened, so Elder Nelson returned to that office and asked where the papers were that he had filed. "They're still in a drawer," an official admitted. "We don't know what to do with them. No one has ever asked for recognition for a church before."
   That day, and on plenty of others, Elder Nelson's work felt like three steps forward and three and a half steps back. But on he pressed.
   On one occasion, Elder Nelson was in the office of religious affairs in Leningrad with Yuri Terebenin, the first convert in that city. During their discussion, Elder Nelson invited the officials there to attend a meeting they were having that night with the small group of Saints living in Leningrad who had joined the Church elsewhere. Yuri panicked. He and his fellow Saints had tried hard to remain anonymous: "Elder Nelson, you don't do that. These are the police." Elder Nelson's response revealed the calm that so often characterized his demeanor: "Brother Terebenin, our Church is for everyone. We want them to come." Later, Elder Nelson commented, "They came, and I don't think I've ever seen a man so pale as Yuri Terebenin. But that is understandable. The Soviet Union was still under the yoke of Communism, and citizens felt threatened by the police."
   There were still many more trips to take and meetings to arrange, many more luncheons to host with ambassadors and other Russian dignitaries visiting the United States, many more snubs from Soviet officials and setbacks with which to deal. But in June 1991, at a VIP dinner following the Tabernacle Choirs's performance at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, Alexander Rutskoy, vice president of the Republic of Russia, made the historic and unexpected announcement that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had been granted full recognition in the entire Republic of Russia. Both Elder Nelson and Elder Dallin H. Oaks, who were at that concert and dinner, were shocked, overjoyed, and overwhelmed by the Lord's goodness. After years of work, the breakthrough had finally come.
   "It was an absolutely stunning moment," Elder Nelson recalled. "We had hoped it was coming, but we didn't expect it that night. That was a red-letter day. Many of us did all we could to bring this about, but make no mistake about it, it was the Lord who worked the miracle."
   Some five years later, on October 7, 1996, Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa, visited Salt Lake City. Curing a meeting, Elder Nelson was seated next to Gorbachev, and the former president of the Soviet Union asked Elder Nelson to explain the differences between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Among other things, Elder Nelson taught him about living prophets and then invited him and his wife to meet with President Gordon B. Hinckley and his counselors the next day. As he did so, he couldn't help but think about the ups and downs, the twists and turns, the disappointments and small breakthroughs that had characterized his experience with Russian dignitaries during the previous decade. But here, sitting in the Church Administration Building, was the man who had taken the dramatic step of tearing down the Berlin Wall. And Elder Nelson had the opportunity to introduce to him some of the basic tenets of the restored gospel.
   Clearly, the Lord can do His own work, and Elder Nelson marveled at the privilege of being a small part of it.

Come Follow Me - Book of Mormon!

This past year of Come Follow Me, as we studied the New Testament, I did not do a very good job reading the weekly chapters or the manual chapters. I'm kinda blaming it on the fact that Peter was born in January last year, so I got behind right at the start and never caught up. I'd try to just start over each week where we were but still didn't dig deep into it. I've resolved to do better this year. A lady at church uses this youtube channel, "Teaching with Power", in her lessons and I am going to listen to these each week as we go through the Book of Mormon this year. I really loved the video for 1 Nephi 1-7 - such great insights! I loved how he points out that the first chapter of the Book of Mormon teaches us how to gain a testimony in 5 steps - read verses 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:12, 1:19

The 5 steps are:
1:4 - INTRODUCTION to God via prophets
1:5 - INVOCATION - prayer
1:6 - ILLUMINATION - learning more of God's word, revelation
1:12 - CONFIRMATION - We are filled with the Spirit as it confirms the truth of what we have learned
1:19 - DECLARATION - share your testimony with others!
And Lehi's declaration becomes Nephi's step 1. Also, I loved how when Lehi prays for help and understanding the Lord gives him a BOOK! The Lord will do the same for us as we pray for help and understanding, he will give us a book, he HAS given us a book - that book is the Book of Mormon!!! Today in Sunday school, we were told to write our own introduction to the Book of Mormon if we were to share it with a friend. I had a friend in mind, and my introduction written with her in mind was:

"The Book of Mormon is a sacred book of scripture, prepared by God himself, to help gather his saints into his church and fold in these latter days. It testifies of Christ and his gospel. I have read it and I know it is true!! Everyone who reads it will know for themselves of it's truthfulness."

So I'm excited to make studying the Book of Mormon a priority this year. In that video above, I also loved how he pointed out we are given two figures in Nephi and Laman that show us the choice we have to make - between Good and Evil - between Faith and Murmuring, between Obedience and Rebellion. I did get excited from the Sunday School lesson on Revelation and it is a nice transition into this in Nephi - that we have two choices. That is what John the Beloved teaches us in his vision. I'm reading a book "Who Shall Be Able to Stand" by S. Michael Wilcox. On page 17: "The emphasis is on living better lives rather than viewing apocalyptic events. However, this is frequently impeded by our sometimes overly enthusiastic focus on knowing the future or placing a sensationalist spin on the signs of the times. We must constantly remind ourselves that the main purpose of Revelation is to help us make correct choices and discern between the forces of good and evil." Some of those thoughts were shared in the Teaching with Power video on Revelation 1-6, especially in the symbolism hunt beginning at 31:49. I especially loved the symbolism behind earthquakes and the destruction there - falling of morals, families falling apart, marriages falling apart! ...and how the opposite of that is the temple and how that builds morals, builds families, builds marriages!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Insights from a Prophet's Life

Well, it's a new year. I have a goal to write more here about the thoughts I have as I read the scriptures, read other gospel books, and listen to General Conference talks and other devotionals. I finished Insights early yesterday morning (1 am on Dec 31st). I loved it.
I am putting the copy I read on our bookshelf, so if you ever borrow that, you can read all the thoughts jotted down as I had them along the way. My two top take aways:

The biggest story that impressed me was the one about when, in 1985, Elder Nelson worked to open nations in Eastern Europe that were under the yoke of Communism - see pages 174-182, especially the story of Svetlana Artemova on page 178-179, just wow wow wow, It really gave me a witness that this is God's work and his church!! I loved reading of the miracles in Leningrad Russia.

It really strengthened my testimony that President Nelson is a prophet. I believed that before, but this helped my belief become sure. I guess I had a small doubt planted years ago after I read a few Denver Snuffer things and then he was excommunicated and said that Elder Nelson was the one who pushed for that/said Snuffer needed to be disciplined. But after reading this book, I trust him, I trust his intentions and I love his example, I love the life he has lived and I believe with all my heart he is a prophet and seeks the Lord's will. Knowing that he has been guided by God in the past has helped me believe more firmly that he is guided by God now.

A few parts from the book that helped me love President Nelson:

Page 64-65 - Talking about a lesson he learned as a young intern: "Russell, you will never lose control in the operation room. You will always be able to handle things without getting upset. I resolved that I would discipline my body to be subject to the dominion of my spirit."

Pg. 65 - His brethren would say they had never seen him out of control, never seen him lose his temper during even the most intense discussions about critical issues.

Pg. 69-70 - The faith he demonstrated as he went forward with an operation even though after prayer he had no idea what he was going to do for the tricuspid regurgitation. He received the revelation on how to fix it during the operation. "Reduce the circumference of the ring."

Pg. 74 "My life is ready for inspection" - quote from Mickey Oswald, Russell's high school football coach, when he went in for a risky operation. Coach Oswald did not survive.

P. 79 - Danzel was 46 when she had her last child (Russ Jr. was 12 pounds!)

p. 86-87 - A whole paragraph on pg. 86 what he was soooo busy doing when he was called as the new stake president. Yet when asked to serve "Of course I have time, I'll make time. If I have to change my profession I'll do it. If I am called, I will serve."

Pg. 103-109 The operation he performed on President Kimball was an inspiring story

Pg 130 - His responses to his large family and all the noise that comes with it "That's the future of the Church we can hear. It sounds beautiful to me." p. 131 "Oh, that noise lets us know that we are in the right church!" Family is the supreme blessing in life.

p. 137-141 The surgery he performed to save twin babies, the mother was counselled by other doctors to abort them to save her own life from a lung tumor. "Do not allow any doctor to touch those babies, because the Lord will decide if those babies live or die." Page 139 As the mother Trudy went in for surgery: "The Lord and I will take care of you today."

Pgs 174-182 - That whole chapter was AMAZING... I'll have to type it up (did it! HERE), cause you have to read the story of Russia, that was amazing.

I also liked how, after his wife Dantzel died, and as he thought of what he should do, he asked President Hinckley pg. 234 "Is it easier to assign me to serve if I have a wife?" pg. 235 He didn't want anything to interfere with his ability to serve the Lord. Also, the story of how he and Wendy met and the impression she had before was cool. Page 236-241

There is more, but that should be enough to get you interested! It was a great book. One last quote that I loved on page 197:

"We're not alone. There are many people who had a hand in all that transpired in Europe during that era." When asked what he learned from the assignment to open the countries in Eastern Europe, particularly in light of the many sops and starts, failed meetings, and ups and downs, Elder Nelson replied simply: "The Lord likes effort. He could have said to Moses, 'I'll meet you halfway' But Moses had to go all the way to the top of Mount Sinai. He required effort from Moses and Joshua and Joseph Smith and from all the subsequent Presidents of the Church. He requires effort from bishops and stake Relief Society presidents and elders quorum presidents. There is always a test. Are you willing to do really hard things? Once you've shown you're willing to do your part, He will help you."
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