Saturday, August 5, 2023

See Butterfly Blessings

Wes shared his testimony today - he mentioned how before he left for high adventure, I said I'd pray for him that the mosquitoes would not eat him alive. He said how he was grateful for my prayers, cause he didn't get many bites. Then I felt guilty! Cause I don't think I actually did pray for that specifically for him. I'm pretty sure I did pray though for his general safety. He also talked about how on their high adventure trip it rained a lot, and when he prayed for rain to stop while he went to the bathroom, it worked. Also over the weekend he had one ticket to go to the One Republic concert for the young adults of the church, and wanted another one for his date Grace, and they prayed for it and he did get a ticket, even though he confessed it was a wimpy prayer and without faith, he didn't believe would be answered. So wow, God hears mighty AND wimpy prayers!

I didn't go up to share my testimony, but if I had, I would have shared what I was thinking about this past week when I was carrying butterflies around Park City. We had 5 emerge up there, and each time I walked them down to the park on Main Street so they could have flowers and hopefully a safer place to fly around than by the hotel pool. As I walked with them on my finger, I was looking up as I passed by people, hoping they'd see it and smile or ask so I could share it. I did have a few people notice, stop and look, but most didn't look at me or notice what I was holding. Why did they not see? I wish they had, cause I was carrying something amazing! 

I had a moment of awe to share but they were missing it! Do I look around me to see the blessings and gifts and miracles that God has in front of me? What am I missing? God is willing to show me and share amazing things with me. LOOK! Pay attention! Listen to his still small voice - look around and see the butterflies!

(Found some daisies for this cute little guy.)

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