Thursday, October 20, 2022

Infinite Galaxies

This photograph taken by the James Webb Telescope is INCREDIBLE.

That image can't do it justice, obviously - so for slightly more awe, go to this flickr link where you can zoom in and move around a bit. Note: most of the specks of light in this image are GALAXIES. 


Like... WHAT?!?!? Totally mind blowing and incomprehensible!

So, (to quote my little sister), my dad is an amateur astronomer. While he wanted astronomy to become his career, the math got to be too much. So though he changed career courses, he kept his hobby and heart in the stars and planets. Seeing an astronomy magazine in the mail was not unusual. I would look through them, but the material in those magazines was infinitely over my head. Still, one thing always drew me in: the pictures. You don't need to understand astrophysics or cosmology to feel complete wonder at a picture of celestial objects so far away it almost seems imaginary. It is incredible how far technology has progressed over the past 30 years. The images received from telescopes seem to get better and better. Now I do not have the brain for math like my dad, and astronomy is not a hobby yet. But gazing in awe at the stars, being mesmerized by the things seen in the heavens, and, of course, pictures of the things of the universe and beyond have never lost their thrill for my heart. The fact that the pictures taken by the James Webb Telescope are shared so freely despite being so hard-won brings me such joy. These things belong to no one but their Creator, but these images belong to all of us. We are more connected and more one that we realize because we too belong to the same Creator of stars and galaxies and "pillars of creation." (go see this picture in full resolution on the website.  It's🤯!)

- that's from a facebook post by my little sister again, but I felt like I was reading my own thoughts, I'm glad she put them down, she said it so well! I'm in awe at the amazing creations in heaven and on earth by our loving Creator.

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