Sunday, October 9, 2022

Ultra Pure White

A post my little sis shared on facebook today that I loved!


Who knew Home Depot paint could lead me to a lesson about Christ?

I was there the other day looking at white paint swatches. Do you realize just HOW MANY shades of white there are?? It's amazing! (aaaaand a little overwhelming). I took dozens of those little papers home to hold up to my wall in some attempt to figure out which shade was just what I wanted. 

As I held them up against the wall, one at a time, they all looked the same. When I put them against each other, choosing one over another was more difficult since each white took on the shade of the others or it's comparison didn't really help me see what that white shade really was. 

Then I held the whites up to the Ultra Pure White swatch. (If you didn't know, Ultra Pure White is THE white of whites, as far as Behr is concerned.) It was only then that I saw just how cool or warm the different white shade were. Only then did I find the white I wanted. I had to compare the whites to the Ultra Pure White to see their true color.

I wanted to show the kids these white swatches and see if they could tell the difference between them individually before being compared to the Ultra Pure White. We sat around a well-lit table, and they closed their eyes. One at a time, I put a white paint swatch on the table. When they opened their eyes, they had to tell me what color they saw. 

"White" was the answer every time, to the point they wondered what I was getting at. Why was I showing them the same white?

I actually showed them a dozen different shades of white. Individually, they called each one white. Then they closed their eyes one more time, and I lined up the whites to show them their differences. They were so surprised to see just how different these whites were. Which one was the REAL white? 

Enter Ultra Pure White.

When compared to that ONE color, every other white was better understood and seen as a little grey, tan, or blue. I told them when it comes to comparison, like those swatches, do not compare yourself with others. We're all different shades of white. You won't truly understand yourself that way and you will not have direction to becoming like the true WHITE. Only compare yourself to Jesus Christ. He is the Ultra Pure White. 

"He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come."

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