Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Christ's Condescension

I'm really loving this week's scripture study. Especially pondering more on the Savior's condescension in 1 Nephi 11. A few things from Bro Wilcox's lesson -

1 Nephi 11:16, John 3:16 - God Loved us, so he sent his Son -
Webster dictionary definition: Condescension: A voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in relation with an inferior Scenes of Jesus' condescension - how does each scene represent Christ's condescension?

1 Nephi 11:12-20 - BIRTH - Christ is king, but was born as a carpenter, not in a palace but a stable. Not a large capital, but in Bethlehem, not rich but poor, born under most humble circumstances.

1 Nephi 11:27 - BAPTISM - Jesus was perfect and didn't need his sins washed away, yet he was baptized. This was a big take away that Nephi got from this vision, cause he teaches it very powerfully later in 2 Nephi 31. It teaches us not only of Christ's condescension, but also of the narrowness of the path! 2 Ne 31:9 "And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them."

1 Nephi 11:28 - TEACHING THE PEOPLE - he lived his life as a teacher, a very meager existence, and spent much of his time teaching the poor, sinners, outcasts, lepers, sinner. For one of such a high station and power, he spent most of his time in less than glorious circumstances and company

1 Nephi 11:29 - CALLING THE TWELVE - Jesus could have done it alone, he could have single handedly led the church and accomplished his ministry, and he could have called all the attention to himself, but he didn't. The involved other people. He taught them, prepared them, and gave them chances to lead and grow. And his leaders were those not high in position or social status.

1 Nephi 11:31 - HEALING OTHERS - he showed his authority by serving, helping, and healing others. Most people judge greatness by how many people serve YOU, but Jesus taught it's the opposite - by how many people YOU SERVE. It's not about authority, but service.

1 Nephi 11:32-33 - ATONEMENT AND CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST - He suffered the most - all pain, all suffering, all sicknesses, everything he knows and felt. He came from above all thing to descend below all things, without murmuring. He had power to stop it, to call down legions of angels, but he didn't. He suffered it and allowed it. D&C 88:6

WHY would he condescend? What power could motivate someone, a God with such great power, to experience such pain? LOVE. He loves us. He loves me, He love you. He paid the price and paved the way. We - YOU - are that valuable to Him. A truth we can't forget: 1 Nephi 11:17 I know that he loveth his children. Do not doubt God's love - We will be tempted to. From last week's lesson, we learn that God's love and the tree, are one of the things that mists of darkness hide. I will pray and read the scriptures to help me to no doubt and to not forget God's love for me. I will remember his great love and his condescension. He did it cause he loves me, and he loves my children. He loves my brothers and sisters. He loves his brothers and sisters. He loves all of God's children.

His love is always there. The TREE is always there. HE is always there. Hold to the IRON ROD until you are through the temptations and mists of this life and are at that tree, partaking of his love. And then STAY at the TREE. Never leave his love or try to find something better somewhere else. There isn't anything better. If we leave, we will have chosen the lesser - His Love is the sweetest and purest and most delicious above all other things.

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