Saturday, February 1, 2020

Real Talk with Tim Ballard

I just listened to this, and I love it. Guesno Mardy and Tim Ballard are my heroes. I am so thankful to call them my fellow Saints, I believe and so do they, and we are doing God's work. The Book of Mormon is True! Jesus is our Savior and He is going to come again, I will help build Zion as best as I can and I look forward to that day. Some notes on parts I especially loved from this video:

10:10 - The reality of angels. Believe in Angels - what role to angels play?
18:00 - Tim has peaks and valleys, his wife Katherin is all peak - "If we have to sleep on the beach in a tent, if that's the sacrifice
19:00 Dec 2013 - he's about to leave his govt job, he's a mess.
20:00 His wife "What do you see before you? You see two paths. What do they look like? Govt path - looks great! Secure, light, retire, pension, etc. OUR path - dark, misty, unknown. OK - fast forward 100 years, you're sitting before your Maker. Two questions he asks "Did you get the message that this is what you were supposed to do?"
21:00 Did you get the message? Did you do it? Tell him No! Tell Him! Now go back to the two paths, what do you see?
27:30 No - embrace it - SEE YOUR KIDS
34:00 "If I have to give up my son, so that these 28 kids can be rescued, that's a burden I'm willing to bear." - Guesno Mardy
35:00 You serve with faith, even if it's irrational
36:20 What irrational things is the Lord asking us to do?

45:15 I have a Humility Team, if I step out of line or think it's me, you call me out on it. It's GOD
47:00 You have a certain amount of confidence, Godly confidence, to step into the arena and onto the battlefield everyday. "Help me to have just enough of your confidence so that I can be scared enough and still show up but not so confident that I don't remember whose I am."
48 - Covenants - Priesthood Covenants (baptism, ordinances) and National Covenants (freedom, prosperity, protection)
50:40 - He has written another book! The Pilgrim Hypothesis coming out in May! Yay! I've loved his books: Washington Hypothesis, Lincoln Hypothesis, and The Covenant
51:20 1 Nephi 13 is Tim Ballard's favorite chapter of the Book of Mormon - You could title that chapter "How to Gather Israel" cause the two bookends of that chapter are the Apostasy and the Restoration. "Here's the apostasy, here's the restoration, ...what links them together?"
52:40 - what gave Mormon and Moroni hope? THERE IS GOING TO BE A RESTORATION! This is not all for naught! We will prevail!
54:40 - how do you reconcile the horrible things that happen on earth with a Loving God? He will take care of all this. You need to play YOUR role.
55:00 - what are you willing to do? How far would you go?
56:00 - Let's go back, you tried, it's not working.
57:00 - They wept as the Mayflower left back to Holland. What is your Mayflower?
57:00 - 1620 - the Pilgrims come - 1820 the restoration
1630 - Next wave of pilgrims come - 1830 Church is restored
2020 - Hmmm, is something big is coming? What about in 2030? It's going to be exciting!
1:02:00 - Just serve! There is power in service

Also, from Teaching With Power's lesson on 1 Nephi 11-15, I loved how he talked about history -

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