Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Glimpse of Heaven

Here's my short review of A Glimpse of Heaven by JoAnna Oblander - This book is a quick read, just 110 pages and I'm almost finished with it.  Two parts I really liked:

First is from the story of how they adopted two children from Russia - (what a rollercoaster of an experience!  It made me realize 9 months of pregnancy isn't so bad.)  They were able to find and adopt them as soon as they became available for adoption, but she had been working on it for over 6 years before they were even available, so she wondered why she couldn't have just been told to find them once they were available - why the extra years of work and worry and exhaustion? 

"However, I knew the answer even before I asked the question.  I knew I needed to have the learning experiences that my search provided me with.  Heavenly Father does not construct our life's experiences with convenience in mind.  He utilized the experiences we have as opportunities for growth.  If efficiency in getting the job done was Heavenly Father's primary concern, I could have been told to find Andrew at the time he and Dina became available for adoption.  Additionally, God could have provided me with their location and all other pertinent data He wanted me to have.  However, Heavenly Father is a master teacher.  He is completely aware of both my shortcomings and my strengths.  I am convinced that He used the experience of finding my children to further enhance my strengths and to provide me with opportunities to overcome my weaknesses."

The other part I liked is in Chapter 9 where she shares some of her experiences and tips regarding Prayer and Personal Revelation - After I'm done with the book I'm going to re-read that part with a paper and pencil in hand, as Prayer and Personal Revelation are two things I've been thinking about from the other book I'm in - Following the Light of Christ into His Presence.  I loved the things she shared about how important it is to write down our impressions and revisit them and how to say your prayers out loud (I'm going to do that more) and to take time to meditate and listen for the answers to your specific questions.

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